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OptiKPI is an all-in-one CRM and Marketing & Compliance Automation Platform meticulously designed for the ever-evolving iGaming and Fintech industries. This versatile platform caters to diverse transactional data-driven businesses, including online casinos, sports betting operators, lotteries, and crypto exchanges. By leveraging its specialized features and functionalities, OptiKPI empowers enterprises in these sectors to optimize their operations, automates repetitive operational routines, create personalized customer journeys, and achieve substantial growth in customer lifetime value.

OptiKPI's marketing and compliance automation feature streamlines and optimizes your marketing and operational processes. Here is an overview of how it works:

  1. Data Collection: The automation process begins with real-time data collection. By seamlessly integrating your platform with OptiKPI's API, our solution gathers valuable information about your customers' user profiles, gameplay data, and transactional history.
  2. Player Segmentation: Leveraging the collected data, OptiKPI enables you to segment your customers into distinct groups based on various factors such as behaviour, preferences, and engagement levels. This segmentation empowers you to precisely target your marketing efforts, ensuring that the right messages reach the right players at exactly the right moments.
  3. Campaign Creation and Automation: Once you established your customer segments, you can create tailored marketing campaigns for each group. Whether you prefer scheduled one-off campaigns or automated event-based customer journeys, OptiKPI has you covered.
  4. Diverse Marketing Channels: Our solution seamlessly integrates with various marketing channels, allowing you to disseminate campaigns via emails, push notifications, SMS, or WhatsApp messages. Furthermore, connecting your platform provider's award engine via API will enable you to automate free spins or bonus awards with OptiKPI effortlessly.
  5. Analytics and Reporting: OptiKPI offers comprehensive performance campaign reports, enabling you to gauge the effectiveness of your automated marketing efforts. Plus, our built-in customizable dashboard lets you monitor your overall business performance in real-time.
  6. Risk & Compliance Automation: Ensuring responsible gaming practices, OptiKPI offers specialized segmentation and real-time triggers to notify your internal teams and players automatically when necessary. You can also exclude blocked or self-excluded players from segmentation and marketing campaigns, ensuring compliance with regulations and ethical guidelines.

Yes, OptiKPI offers real-time data sync through API integration. With this capability, OptiKPI can fetch your back-office data in real time, down to seconds. This feature empowers our clients to access and utilize up-to-date information promptly, enabling the build and automating of customer journeys and marketing campaigns from when customers register on-site. This real-time data sync ensures businesses respond swiftly to customer interactions and deliver personalized experiences, enhancing customer engagement and satisfaction.

"OptiKPI supports a range of popular communication channels for campaign execution. These channels include email, SMS, push notification, and WhatsApp messaging. Our platform enables seamless delivery of targeted marketing campaigns through these channels, ensuring efficient and effective customer engagement.

Furthermore, OptiKPI offers clients the flexibility to integrate with their platforms' award engine. This integration allows for the automation of bonus and free spins, enhancing customer rewards and incentives.

Additionally, for businesses utilizing call center solutions, OptiKPI can be integrated to notify telesales teams with relevant calling lists. This feature streamlines the communication process and enhances the effectiveness of telesales efforts.

With these versatile capabilities, OptiKPI empowers businesses to reach their customers through various channels and optimize campaign execution for maximum impact."

"Yes, OptiKPI's player segments, journeys, and performance dashboard are all run in real time. By leveraging real-time data integration, you can rest assured that these aspects of the platform are continuously up-to-date. This means that customer segments are dynamically adjusted based on the latest data, ensuring precise and timely targeting for marketing efforts. Customer journeys are also kept current, enabling personalized and event-based automation that adapts to each customer's actions and preferences in real time.

Moreover, the performance dashboard provides real-time insights into the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns and overall business performance. With up-to-the-minute data at your fingertips, you can make informed decisions and swiftly respond to changing market conditions.

By harnessing the power of real-time data integration, OptiKPI enables businesses to stay agile, responsive, and competitive in the fast-paced world of iGaming and Fintech."

"OptiKPI offers two convenient methods for accessing customer data to enhance your analytical capabilities and fuel your marketing strategies. You can choose the method that best aligns with your workflow and preferences.

  1. API Integration for Real-time Data Sync: OptiKPI provides a seamless API integration option that allows you to connect your back-office systems directly. You can instantly synchronize customer activity data by integrating your systems with OptiKPI's API. Customers' actions and interactions are automatically transmitted to OptiKPI's platform as they engage with your services or products. This real-time synchronization ensures that you always have access to the most up-to-date insights, enabling you to make informed decisions promptly.
  2. CSV File Upload for Targeted Campaigns: For scenarios where API integration might not be feasible or necessary, OptiKPI offers an alternative approach. You can manually upload CSV files containing customer lists designed explicitly for retargeting campaigns. This method allows you to focus on specific groups of customers and tailor your marketing efforts accordingly. By uploading customer acquisition lists, OptiKPI ensures that you can leverage your existing data effectively, driving personalized and efficient retargeting campaigns.
  3. Ultimately, the choice between API integration and CSV file uploads depends on your operational preferences and technical capabilities. Whether you opt for real-time data sync through API integration or utilize CSV files for targeted campaigns, OptiKPI aims to provide the tools to access and leverage your customer data to suit your business objectives best."

Yes, OptiKPI offers professional services to ensure that you maximize the value of our platform and achieve your marketing goals effectively. Upon confirmation of our service, you can expect comprehensive professional assistance tailored to your needs.

Dedicated Customer Success Onboarding: Our dedicated customer success team will guide your marketing team through a step-by-step onboarding process. This ensures that your team gains a thorough understanding of all the features and setup options our platform offers. Through personalized onboarding sessions, we'll help your team navigate our platform, set up campaigns, and configure automation flows. This hands-on approach ensures you're equipped to independently utilize all our platform's functionalities, enhancing your efficiency and capabilities.

Optional On-Demand Retention Service: In addition to our onboarding support, OptiKPI offers an optional on-demand retention service. This service provides access to our experienced retention specialists, who can offer expert guidance, strategies, and best practices to fine-tune your campaigns and automation flows. Our retention specialists collaborate with you to optimize your marketing.

The integration process with your platform provider typically takes 2-3 weeks through our API. While we aim to provide a general time frame, the actual duration may differ depending on the complexity of your platform's architecture, the responsiveness of technical teams, and any specific requirements unique to your integration. Our team will work closely with yours to facilitate the process, providing support, documentation, and guidance to ensure successful integration within the shortest time frame feasible.

"OptiKPI offers a pricing structure to accommodate the varying requirements of businesses within the iGaming industry. Our pricing model provides flexibility and scalability, ensuring businesses of all sizes can find a package that aligns with their needs and budget considerations.

OptiKPI's service fee is based on the number of Monthly Active Players (MAP) on your platform. This approach allows us to offer a pricing model directly tied to the scale of your operations, providing you with a fair and transparent way to manage costs. Whether you're a growing startup or an established industry leader, you can choose a package that suits your requirements without overstretching your budget.

We recommend contacting our dedicated sales team for the most accurate and up-to-date pricing information. They will happily provide you with detailed pricing options based on your specific needs, player base, and business goals. We aim to ensure that you receive the best value for your investment in OptiKPI's services, helping you enhance your performance in the iGaming industry."

"OptiKPI offers a range of powerful benefits that can significantly elevate your business, providing you with the tools and insights needed to thrive in this competitive industry. Some of the key advantages include:

  1. Enhanced Customer Relationship Management: OptiKPI enables you to develop more meaningful customer relationships. You gain a comprehensive understanding of player behaviour and preferences through detailed analytics and insights. This knowledge empowers you to engage customers with tailored experiences, fostering loyalty and increasing retention rates.
  2. Automated Marketing: Streamline your marketing efforts with OptiKPI's automation capabilities. Create customized campaigns that trigger based on specific player actions, ensuring that your messaging reaches the right audience at the right time. This automation saves time and improves the relevance and effectiveness of your marketing initiatives.
  3. Real-time Analytic Insights: Real-time analytics provides a comprehensive view of your business's performance. Monitor player trends, game popularity, and marketing campaign effectiveness as they unfold. This empowers you to make informed decisions promptly, adapting strategies to capitalize on emerging opportunities.
  4. Personalization: Personalization is at the heart of OptiKPI's offerings. By understanding individual player behaviours, preferences, and habits, you can create tailored experiences that resonate with each player. This personal touch enhances your business's player engagement, satisfaction, and lifetime value.
  5. Save Time and Resources: OptiKPI's automation and insights help optimize your operations, freeing up valuable time and resources. Automated marketing workflows reduce manual intervention, while real-time analytics enable quicker decision-making. This efficiency boost lets your team focus on strategic initiatives and high-priority tasks.

Incorporating OptiKPI into your business empowers you to navigate the dynamic landscape of the industry with confidence. From fostering better customer relationships and delivering personalized experiences to maximizing operational efficiency and gaining real-time insights, OptiKPI provides the comprehensive toolkit necessary to succeed in the competitive world of iGaming and Fintech."

"OptiKPI provides a robust suite of features designed to empower your business with comprehensive tools for success. Our platform offers the following key features:

  1. Centralized Customer Relationship Management (CRM): OptiKPI offers a centralized hub to effectively manage and nurture customer relationships. Access your customers' activity history and preferences in one place, enabling you to tailor interactions and provide personalized experiences.
  2. Customer Segmentation: Efficiently categorize your player base into meaningful segments based on behaviour, preferences, and other criteria. This segmentation allows you to create targeted campaigns and deliver content that resonates with specific player groups.
  3. Marketing Automation: Automate your marketing efforts with customizable workflows that trigger based on player behaviour or predefined actions. This automation ensures timely and relevant communication, enhancing player engagement and loyalty.
  4. Communication Delivery: OptiKPI facilitates seamless communication with your players. Reach out through various channels such as email, SMS, push notifications and WhatsApp, ensuring your messages are delivered effectively to the right audience.
  5. Bonus & Free Spins Awarding: Integrate your bonuses and free spins awarding engine with OptiKPI. Award bonuses based on player behaviour or predefined criteria, enhancing player satisfaction and encouraging continued engagement.
  6. Campaign Performance & Business Dashboard: Gain actionable insights into your campaigns and business performance through our comprehensive dashboard. Monitor the effectiveness of marketing initiatives, track player engagement, and measure key metrics to optimize strategies.
  7. Compliance Automation: Stay compliant with industry regulations and standards through OptiKPI's compliance automation features. Ensure that your marketing campaigns and activities adhere to legal requirements effortlessly."

"OptiKPI's compliance automation feature operates through a rules-based system that enables you to seamlessly manage responsible gaming practices while enhancing risk management and fraud control within your iGaming business.

The functionality of this feature is as follows:

  1. Custom Segmentation and Automated Workflows: OptiKPI's compliance automation leverages rules-based instructions to create custom segments among your player base. These segments are defined by specific behaviours, triggers, or parameters that indicate potential risks related to responsible gaming practices.
  2. Risk and Fraud Control: The compliance automation feature empowers you to proactively address risk and fraud issues by automatically identifying and managing high-risk player behaviours. The rules you set within the system allow for timely detection and response to players exhibiting behaviours indicative of potential gaming-related or fraud issues.
  3. Notifications and Communications: In cases where specific player behaviours trigger concerns related to responsible gaming, the automation system can be configured to send notifications or communications to those players. This could involve messages encouraging responsible gaming practices or alerting players to their behaviours, promoting self-awareness and responsible play.
  4. Real-time Data for Risk Management: The compliance automation feature enhances your risk management decision-making processes by utilizing real-time data. This data-driven approach ensures you can quickly identify and address potential issues, minimizing their impact on your business.
  5. Continuous Verification of Compliance: The automation system continuously verifies that compliance requirements are met, ensuring that your responsible gaming policies are consistently upheld. This proactive approach safeguards both your players and your business's reputation."

"Absolutely! OptiKPI can seamlessly integrate with your platform's award engine, providing an efficient and effective solution to enhance your marketing campaigns. This integration empowers you to create impactful campaigns that communicate with your players and effortlessly assign bonuses or free spins to specific segments of your player base.

By integrating your platform's award engine with OptiKPI, you unlock the ability to execute campaigns beyond mere communication. You can strategically target specific customer segments based on behaviour, preferences, or other criteria and automatically assign campaign bonuses or free spins.

This integration offers several benefits:

  • Efficiency: The integration eliminates the need for manual bonuses or free spin assignments, which saves you time and effort, allowing you to focus on crafting effective campaigns and strategies.
  • Personalization: You can tailor your campaigns to different player segments, delivering bonuses or free spins that align with each group's interests and behaviours.
  • Enhanced Engagement: Automatic awarding of bonuses or free spins enhances player engagement and satisfaction, as they receive relevant rewards based on their interactions with your platform.
  • Streamlined Processes: The integration streamlines your marketing efforts by automating the process of awarding bonuses or free spins, which ensures consistency and accuracy in your campaigns.

OptiKPI's integration with your platform's award engine empowers you to create more impactful and targeted marketing campaigns while simplifying operational processes. Combining communication with automatic bonuses or free spin assignments can deliver your players a seamless and rewarding experience, ultimately driving increased player engagement and loyalty."

Free E-book

Lifecycle Marketing Step by Step

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What’s Inside?

In this Guide Book, we dive into the core of lifecycle marketing, where satisfaction spans the entire customer journey. Crafted around individual behaviors, personalized experiences, and enduring loyalty, this strategy ensures your players remain engaged for the long haul. Join us as we unveil the benefits, from data-driven decision-making to competitive edges, and explore the four pivotal stages that turn casual players into dedicated enthusiasts. Welcome to the world of lifecycle marketing, where every touchpoint counts.

Learn with us different stages of Lifecycle Marketing:

Player Onboarding

Player Retention

Churn Management


Start learning with OptiKPI NOW!